Birds take over New Orleans Trip

Hi, Everybody.
I have been laying low since my retirement (except for the book tour), but I’m getting my fat butt off the couch for a few days to join an exciting trip to New Orleans from Sept. 20-23 to see the Eagles throttle the Saints (one of five games I believe the Birds will actually win this season.) I’m going because I will get to spend a few days with my former co-host Hollis Thomas, who also happens to be one of the most fun people I have ever met, and with the many loyal listeners who gave me a great 33 years at WIP.

      If you read LOUD, you know I have a crazy history on these fan trips, but they are always interesting and are usually memorable. I know we’re going on a cruise one night and Hollis and I are having a fan Q & A sometime that weekend. There will be lots of other activities in one of the best cities in America, plus tickets to the game in the Superdome and reservations at a great hotel. Check the info below. We only have a couple of dozen spots left on the charter flight. Don’t miss out on a trip you will be talking about for years.

     Go to to sign up for the trip. Move quickly, please.. We are running out of room, and we’d love to have you with us.



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