The Book Tour Begins ……..

The Book Tour Begins ……..

The Book Tour Begins . . . . .       I have seen dozens of authors on talk shows whine that the worst part of writing a book is the exhausting tour required to promote it. Well, one week into my own debut on the circuit, I must admit it is a challenge, though a...
The Phillies Choke

The Phillies Choke

 This is my first post about the Phillies since I reactivated my website. There’s a good reason for that. After retirement, my priorities changed radically. When I was doing the WIP show, it was my job to keep track of all the teams. Now, with no such demands, I...
Stupid Coaching

Stupid Coaching

  Whenever people ask me what concerns me most about the Eagles, I have a quick response. The coaches. Nick Sirianni and Brian Johnson, especially. I keep wondering if they have a real grasp of basic football strategy.     The latest example is the most outrageous....
Family Bonding

Family Bonding

      One of the best things about retirement is how it has already changed my love and appreciation for sports. No longer do I watch games to develop themes for our next WIP show. Now it’s back to the way I started my devotion to sports. Pure enjoyment.       What I...

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